Aug 01, 2024I've come to realize how important it is to accept the seasons of life.
Just like living in Iowa-when we know we have the inevitable snowstorm coming. The cold dreary January and February after the sparkle of Christmas wears off. It is a lot more enjoyable if you accept it and go with the flow. Let it happen! Ride the wave. Embrace the snow. Go build a snow fort. Go sledding even though it's cold and you'll get soaking wet.
I have come to accept this season of life in a similar way. I have had seasons of great real estate financial success, a booming business and not a second left in the day. Traveling the world and many adventures are a fun place to be. My coach has helped me realize that this season has a different purpose. I am listening to who I am called to be-and there is a heavy emphasis right now on my importance as a mom and also stillness.
As I often tell people-this isn't my season of life for going to Tahiti. This is my season of life for peace, stillness, helping people and loving on my babies.
What is this season of life for you? How do you know? What goals do you have for yourself and those around you during this unique time?
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